Sephardic Jews and Communism

Although most of the leading Jewish communists in Europe were Jews of Ashkenazic origin, there were a substantial number of Sephardim who were active in Socialist and Communist movements as well, particularly in Yugoslavia [1].
One of the senior Communist leaders in that country was a Sephardic Jew [2] by the name of Moshe (Mosa) Pijade (1890-1957), a close confidante of Yugoslavian leader Marshal Josip Broz Tito. Pijade (self portrait) was born to a prominent Sephardic Jewish family of Bulgarian origin in Belgrade, Serbia. He first went to study art in Munich and Paris but soon took up Journalism and developed a penchant for radicalism. He was imprisoned along with many others after World War I for his pro-Communist sympathies. In prison he met and befriended many of the people who were later to become the leaders of Yugoslavia, including Josip BrozTito. He fought in the Anti-Nazi resistance among the Partisans (who unlike the ones in other parts of Eastern Europe were not anti-Semitic and openly welcomed Jews into its ranks). He quickly rose through the ranks and was appointed by Tito (who was an ethnic Croat) to suppress all 'counter revolutionary activities'. Pijade became so feared and hated by the Serbs (especially in places like Montenegro) because of his policies, that mothers would warn their children that if they misbehaved 'Mosa' would come and get them.
Piajde's Judaism
What I find fascinating about Pijade is his ambivalence and the absence of outright hostility toward religion in general and Judaism in particular. This hostility towards Judaism as a religion was the hallmark of most of his Ashkenazic communist counterparts in Russia (though it should be pointed out that Pijade was certainly an assimilated Jew who didn't hesitate to marry out of the faith). This sentiment is clearly illustrated by what happened at the end of world War II.
With Belgrade the capital of Serbia lying in ruins, the last remaining remnant (1,115 or 6% survived) of the city's once glorious Sephardic community gathered for services at the only Synagogue still standing - which was the large Ashkenazic one and had previously been used by the Nazi forces as a brothel (the Sephardic one had been completely destroyed). Among the participants was none other than Moshe Pijade, dressed in his army uniform laden with medals and weeping uncontrollably during the Yizkor prayer (!). One wonders if Lazar Kaganovich could have gotten away with something like this in Russia under Stalin...
Some have suggested that the outright hatred for Judaism as exemplified by people like Leon Trotsky and Lazar Kaganovich was a decidedly missing factor in the Sephardic "version". This is something that can still be observed in contemporary society . It is not uncommon to see staunchly secular Sephardic Jews (who identify themselves as Communist, Socialist etc.) taking part in Jewish ritual and expressing reverence and respect for its cult [3].
According to historian Yitzhak Kerem:
Ben-Aroya’s organization was essentially secular, and many of its activities took place on Saturdays, including the publishing of its weekly,Avanté . This made for trouble with the local rabbis, who called upon Ben-Aroya not to encourage Jews to violate the Sabbath and even threatened him with excommunication.
I was also going to bring up the Israeli black Panther movement which was founded and led by
[1]. In other parts of the Balkans, Communism was making inroads among the Sephardic youth as well. A friend recalls her great-grandmother telling her about the Jewish communists in her native Salonika "Some of them published newspapers, and one of the articles said that now that we have planes and have been in the sky, we can see that G-d doesn't exist,It really horrified my great grandmother. It's such a childish reasoning though".
[2]. One can't help but chuckle when reading what American Nazi party 'leader', George Lincoln Rockwell had to say about him "Tito, was the protege of Moses Pijade,Jew Khazar, who does the "suggesting" for the strutting Mr. Tito" what can one expect from a paranoid old Bachelor like Rockwell who spent his nights in his mothers room .... Parenthetically the myth that Ashkenazic Jews are descended of Khazar Turkic tribesmen (popularized by Hungarian Jewish author, Arthur Koestler, himself an interesting and complicated figure) has been disproved by recent genetic research
[3]. See Stillman, Norman A. Sephardi Responses to Modernity. Luxemborg: Harwood,(1995)
[4]. The Israeli Black Panther movement was modeled after its American counterpart though it differed sharply in many ways (It is important to point out that the American group often expressed virulent anti-Semitism). It was a movement founded and led by disaffected Mizrachi Jews (a disproportionate number of whom, were of North African origin). The Black Panthers were Israel's own version of counterculture figures and fighters for social justice, people like Charlie Bitton (former Knesset member of the Hadash, Jewish/Arab Communist party and now a graying man expressing Likud-like tendencies), Saadya Marciano (formerly Knesset member of the Sheli party and now a poverty-stricken man , and Avi Berdugo (who later made a good life for himself as an Attorney).
[5]. In this context it is also worth noting the notorious terrorists and (ostensibly) Christian Arab Communist George Habash's (founder of the PFLP) frequent invoking of Allah's name, most famously after the PLO and the IDF faced off in 1982 in Beirut. Thomas Friedman in his From Beirut to Jerusalem has him (Habash) excitedly exclaiming:
I thank God that I lived to see the day that a Palestinian army fought an Israeli army. Now I can die. I dont need to see anymore.
Friedman points out the irony of all this saying Habash was "oblivious to the irony of the great Arab Marxist invoking the almighty". See Friedman, Thomas L. From Beirut to Jerusalem. Farrar Straus Giroux, 1989. pp. 150-151
Apparently, in the middle east, the lines between communism and religion aren't as clearly delineated as they are in the west.
Labels: black panther, communism, mizrachi, mosa, pijade, sefardic, sefardim, sephardim, socialism
i heard a theory in the name of R' Berel Wein that the Ashkenazic anti-religious fervor was at least partially a response to a sense of betrayal by community leaders, including religious leaders, during the times of the Cantonists.
It certainly sounds logical. There is the famous story about Trotsky and the Chafetz Chaim (I am not sure of its historical veracity though) For those of you who don't know it, it bears repeating. The story goes something like this: Lev Trotsky's parents were unable to afford to pay the local Cheder for the child's Jewish schooling, he was promptly ejected. The Chafetz Chaim said that there was a direct connection between that event and his later resentment of religious Jews.
I have never heard Wein's theory but again it rings logical. Several years ago I came upon the book יון מצולה which was was written by a survivor of the Chmielnicki massacres (Rabbi Natan Hanover). Anyway, that particular edition was published by some Kibbutz. In the foreword for that edition, the writer blasts the Rabbinic leadership of that time for its cowardice and its exhorting the Jews to accept their fate with love and not resist even when they had the chance.
don't forget about sepharic jews who moved to france as arab countries gained independence. a number of them became leftist leaders there during the late 1960s (benny levi comes to mind)
Interesting. There is definitely allot more to this than I have written. Thanks for the comment!
My father was actually in that Black Panther movement in Israel, though I don't think ecenomic policy was their main concern. (It was, as in America, discrimination.)
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