Timisoara in Transylvania (either Hungary or Romania depending which side you're rooting for) was one of the more intesting and unique communities of pre war Jewish Eastern Europe. Here is a list of Rabbis who served this community. As you can see there are a mix of Sephardim and Ashkenazim. At times the communities maintained separate kehillot -each one with its own respective spiritual leader. However this was not always feasible and often a sole Rabbbi (sometimes a Sephardi, at other times an Ashkenazi) served both communities.
There was a degree of intermarriage as well between the two groups, as late as the 19th century. This is very unique for Eastern Europe.
from חת"ם סופר ותלמידיו:

from חת"ם סופר ותלמידיו:

The minutes of several Transylvanian kehillot (for instance, Alba-Iulia or Karlsburg) were recorded in both Yiddish and Ladino, a very unique phenomenon to say the least.
תולדות יהודי טרנסליבניה (1944־1623) - משה כרמלי־וינברג

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