Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Please Help My Manuscript Come to Fruition.

Are you one of the myriad of Eastern European Ashkenazy Jews wondering about possible (or certain) Sephardic roots? Hundreds of curious individuals have contacted me over the years with questions, comments and observations about their own family background. Some have sent me family anecdotes, others: copies of family heirlooms, documents etc.

I have spent a good portion of the last decade in libraries and archives-both in the US and now in Israel- researching this woefully under-explored subject. Readers of my blog know that I've covered the subject of Eastern European Yiddish-speaking Jews with Sephardic roots several times before-- here and elsewhere. However with the budget at my disposal I am lacking the means to pursue this subject any further and have barely scratched the surface with my hard work thus far. The photo you see is of a raw manuscript that requires much more research (hopefully even travels to European archives) editing and ultimately publishing. With the very difficult times that have come upon me, I simply cannot do it without your generous help. Any donation is extremely welcome and a donation of twice chai: 36 US dollars (or its equivalent) will earn you my heartfelt thanks as well as a complimentary copy of this book. Please help this book get to the press by sending your donation to the following paypal account Its time has come!

With the warmest blessings for the coming spring, I remain.



  1. Schelly Talaly Dardashti and Judy Simon will be able to asisst.

  2. As a Sephardic Jew (no Ashkenaz) I am always hungry for roots information, and see so little of it. Thank you for your work digging into this particularly fascinating era and place.

  3. Confusing. My family came here from Galicia but we can trace roots to Valencia Spain in 1492. i f you want to contact me, the best way is by leaving a comment on my blog.
