This post will continue on the theme of a previous post where I discussed how Chassidim switched from the Ashkenazic rite to a modified Sephardic one. Here I will focus more in depth on how and why some Ashkenazic Jews –both religious and (later) secular- adopted the Sephardic pronunciation of Hebrew because they deemed it superior to the Ashkenazi one.
Sepharad in Ashkenaz
Some Ashkenazi Rabbis were of the opinion that an Ashkenazi praying in the Sephardic rite and or using the Sephardic pronunciation rendered the prayer null and void. Some Rabbis took issue with the way Sephardim pronounce Gods name and maintained that one should be careful to say adoinoi [as in oy] rather than the Sephardic adonay [as in aye] (which could be mistaken as a declaration of polytheism) see here.
Controversy in Hungary
Eliezer ben Yehuda PICTURED BOTTOM is considered the father of “Modern Hebrew”.
Ben-Yehuda, although displaying an attitude of contempt for the older generation of traditional Sephardic Rabbis, harbored a strong admiration for the traditions of Sephardic Jewry; the “golden age in Spain”, was especially cherished by Ben-Yehuda who called it “this most fruitful period” [16].
As Jack Fellman put it:
..the Sephardim as a whole were less inclined to religious fanaticism and more receptive to new ideas from the outside world. This fact can be attributed to various sources. First, unlike the Ashkenazim, the Sephardim had never been directly exposed to the new climate of thought as expressed in the ideas of the enlightenment which were sweeping across Europe during the 19th century and therefore did not recognize as deeply the possible anti-traditional, anti-religious consequences of these beliefs [17].
It is known from historical records and had also been clear to Ben Yehuda before his arrival in Palestine that the various Jewish groups in the city, while speaking their own languages among themselves, used Hebrew as a lingua franca when it became necessary to meet together, for example in the market place, or to work together, as in the collection of taxes for the government authorities. This situation was particularly applicable to the 2 major sections of the community- Ashkenazim and Sephardim- when they met together, but was also the case when groups consisting only of Sephardic Jews gathered, as these people had no other common means of communication but Hebrew, since Ladino was restricted in use and Arabic was splintered into several dialects. As Ben-Yehuda observed: “When for example a Sephardi from Aleppo would meet a Sephardi from Salonika or a Sephardi from Morocco would come into the company of a Jew from Bukhara, they were obliged to speak in the holy tongue… of all the centers of Jewish population in the world only Jerusalem could boast a spoken Hebrew tradition which had been preserved until Ben Yehuda’s time. As Ben-Yehuda noted: “for me the matter was a little easier, because the Sephardim who knew I was not a Sephardi were already used to the fact that with an Ashkenazi they must speak in Hebrew. As for the Ashkenazim, some of them did not know who I was, and the question whether I might not be a Sephardi made it acceptable to them to speak with me in Hebrew.
After much discussion and debate, a meeting of the Hebrew Teachers Association in 1895 adopted Hebrew as the language of instruction, with Sephardic pronunciation to be used (but Ashkenazic pronunciation was allowed in the first year in Ashkenazic schools, and for prayer and ritual). The next meeting of the association was not until 1903, at the close of a major convention of Jews of the Yishuv called in Zikhron Yaakov by Ussishkin, the Russian Zionist leader. The 59 members present accepted Hebrew as the medium of instruction…and there was general agreement also on the use of Ashkenazi script and Sephardic pronunciation [19].
On the question of why Ben-Yehuda and the Language Council decided to adopt the Sephardic pronunciation, Jack Follman quotes the noted linguist Dr. Haim Blanc: “for various reasons, they decided to adopt the pronunciation in vogue among Mediterranean and Middle Eastern (Sephardic) communities, but which one of the several Sephardic varieties was actually used as a model is obscure…”
Blanc offered the following reasons among others for this change:
1. The Sephardic variety was already in use as the pronunciation of the Market Hebrew lingua franca of Palestine , and was used even by the Ashkenazim in their face to face dealings with the Sephardim for almost 4 centuries prior to Ben-Yehuda.
2. The Sephardic variety was considered the more ancient of the two, as testified in particular by various transliterations and translations of Hebrew into Latin and Greek, and therefore was considered closer to the original ancient biblical Hebrew of the homeland. A further point was the fact that the Sephardi variant was considered closer to the historical dialect of Judah, the home of Judaism, whereas the Ashkenazic form was thought to be similar to that of secessionist Samaria.
3. The Ashkenazic variety of Hebrew reminded the council too much of Yiddish, the despised language of the exile in the opinion of most of the council’s members, which, in particular contained the same set of vowel phonemes. Conversely, the Sephardic form resembled the sound pattern of Arabic more closely and Arabic was the sister language in the Semitic family which already existed in the locale.
4. The Sephardic variant reproduced the consonantal text of Hebrew more accurate that did the Ashkenazic, as it included at least four more graphemic-phonemic renditions, as mentioned above. Therefore it was considered the more correct of the two by the council, who still conceived of Hebrew more in its written image than in its spoken form.
5. It was the council’s opinion that children who knew the Sephardic system would be equipped to read and write Hebrew texts with greater facility since the Sephardic system resembled the consonantal text more closely. Since children were to be the chief carriers of the language revival, this was an important factor. (However as Hebrew is generally written only in its consonantal shape, the fact the Ashkenazic and not the Sephardic system was closer in vocalization to the vocalized Hebrew text was never given serious attention, although Yellin did mention it at least once in his work, at his lecture on the subject to the Secondary and Grammar School Teachers Union Conference in Gedera in 1904. This step was later to lead to serious problems in the teaching of Hebrew vocalization.)
6. The Sephardic system is closer to the internal grammatical structure (morpho phonemics) of Hebrew than the Ashkenazic system, and had been the system already in use among the European Hebraists as well as in Hebrew grammars. In this sense, it may be said that the Sephardic variety had more codification and thus more prestige than the Ashkenazi variety [21].
[1]. the historian Simon Dubnow doubted the existence of a direct link between the formation of Adler’s circle and the emergence of Hasidism, and most other scholars who have considered the question agree. Some reconsideration of this position is now required, as the scholarly world has recently revised its view of the spiritual nature of early Hassidism and embarked on a new assessment of its religious and social features. The new approach studies the beginning of Hassidism in the context of the religious awakening then taking place in the world of kabbalistically oriented pietistic groups active in 18th century Europe . We are therefore justified in attempting a reassessment of the link between the different manifestations of religious pietism appearing at the same time in eastern and central Europe . The Frankfurt pietist circle and the Hasidic groups in eastern Europe were established at approximately the same time-the early 1770s; both trends looked to the same sources for inspiration and sought to create a new ritual expression for new spiritual currents; both used the Hebrew term Hasidim; they recognized the power of charismatic leaders and their authority to innovate new practices and there was a striking similarity between the two in prayer rites and other customs as well as in the nature of their deviations from accepted norms in their respective communities.
Elior, Rachel "Rabbi Nathan Adler and the Frankfurt Pietists: Pietist Groups in Eastern and Central Europe during the Eighteenth Century," in Karl Erich Grozinger, ed., Judische Kultur in Frankfurt am Main, von den Anfangen bis zur Gegenwart (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 1997), 135-177, available here.
[2]. Ibid, p.9 (in PDF)
[3]. the historian H.Z. Zimmels hypothesized that the Chassidim did not switch to the Sephardic pronunciation because it would have been too difficult for them to do so. Adler reportedly had a Sephardic scholar living in his house for over a year in order to teach him the "proper" pronunciations of Hebrew see here. Cf., Chatam Sofer, Responsa, Orah hayyim, para. 15: “therefore my master, the wise, pious, and priestly Nathan Adler, of blessed memory, he would himself lead the services and pray in Sephardic pronunciation from R’ Yitzchak Luria’s prayer book.” Cf. Abraham Lowenstein of Emden , Responsa Zeror Ha-hayim, Amsterdam 1820, sec,. “U-neginotay yenaggen”: “As to what has been testified of the unique sage…R’ Nathan Adler in Frankfurt, that he too used to pray in the Sephardic pronunciation , I too know this….And heard him pray in the Sephardic pronunciation and apart from that…R’ Nathan was at that time quite alone in his usage, counter to all the great authorities of that time in Frankfurt a.M., and no one ruled like the aforementioned R’ Nathan but prayed in the Ashkenazic accent as we do.” According to Adler’s biographers, he had learned the Sephardic accent in his youth from a Jerusalemite visitor to his home. Derekh Hanesher p. 22
Quoted in Elior p. 31 (in PDF)
[4]. See "Benjamin Disraeli and the myth of Sephardi superiority" Todd M. Endelman, Jewish History Volume 10, Number 2 / September, 1996) pp. 31-32
[5]. See "The Myth of Sephardi Supremacy," Ismar Schorsch, reproduced in his From Text to Context: The Turn to History in Modern Judaism (Hanover, N.H., 1994), p. 72
[6]. Jewish Budapest : monuments, rites, history by Kinga Frojimovics, Géza Komoróczy pp. 459-460
[7]. Schorsch, 71
[8]. Schorsch, 77
[9]. Ibid, 85. Cf. “Scientific Racism and the Mystique of Sephardic Racial Superiority”, John Efron pp. 86-87
[10]. Schorsch, pp. 89-90
[11]. Hamburger, Benyamin. Meshichei Hasheker Umitnagdayam pp. 242-243
[12]. Jewish Budapest pp. 457-458
[13]. Jewish Budapest , 461
[14]. Ben-Yehuda, Eliezer. Hahalom Veshivro, p. 107
[15]. Ben-Yehuda, Devorah. Hayav Umifalo pp. 47-48
[16]. Fellman, Jack. The revival of a classical tongue: Eliezer Ben Yehuda and the Modern Hebrew language p. 77
[17]. Fellman, 29
[18]. Fellman, 30-31
[19]. Wright, Sue. Language and the state: revitalization and revival in Israel and Eire p. 14
[20]. Yehoash, The Feet of the Messenger pp. 34-35
[21]. Fellman, 84-85
Interesting subject.
ReplyDeleteI don't know how much the modern Hebrew is like Ben Yehuda intended.
Except for Taw rephuya, the consonants in modern Hebrew are Ashkenazi.
The only thing Sephardic about modern Hebrew is the pronunciation of Qamas as an "a" sound, and of course the millera` pronunciation.
Most Sephardic and Mizrahi pronunciations DO distinguish between qamas/pattah and seghol/sere. Just in a different way from the Ashkenazi.
While Jonathan Schorsch is an important scholar in his own right, in this context it should be "Ismar" and not "Jonathan."
ReplyDeleteI just read a responsum by R. Hayyim David Halevi today on the correct pronunciation of Hebrew and he said that he can't figure out at all the rhyme and reason of Ashkenazi pronounciation. He favored the Yemenites. It is in vol. VI of Aseh Lecha Rav which is at my synagogue at the moment.
When I did a report on the revival of Hebrew, I covered some of this topic, and Fellman's book was one of my sources.
ReplyDeleteI didn't deal with the influence of Christian Hebraicism, an angle that didn't occur to me.
One point I'd quibble with is the statement that standard Israeli Hebrew today is "not exactly alike" with Sephardic Hebrew. That may be an understatement; many scholars consider the standard language a composite of Ashkenazic and Sephardic, with about equal closeness to both. According to one scholar (I can't remember the source at the moment), Mod. Hebrew doesn't have a single consonant that isn't also found in Yiddish, except for the glottal stop.
Like many Ashkenazic Jews, I grew up thinking the Israeli pronunciation was simply "Sephardic," and a great deal of Jews in the U.S. think they've adopted the variety simply by changing their sufs to tufs, their kamatzes to patachs, and stressing the final syllable of words.
Here are some of my notes from my report, regarding the revivers' attachment to Sephardic:
* Ben Yehuda described Sephardic Hebrew as "a fluent, natural Hebrew, peppered with idioms, and with so authentic, so honeyed and Oriental an accent" (Lewis Glinert, Hebrew in Ashkenaz, p. 213).
* Ben Yehuda reported that when he first heard Sephardic Hebrew, he was "stunned by its beauty," and that by speaking in Ashkenazic, "we deprive our language of its force and power" (Benjamin Harshav, Language in Time of Revolution, pp. 105, 159).
* "Indeed, Yiddish was much more fully developed then for all modern purposes than was Hebrew and it could easily have become the language of the Yishuv (the entire Jewish community in Palestine, Zionist and non-Zionist alike) had not steps been taken to suppress it and to besmirch it.... [V]irtually all of the revernacularizers of Hebrew spoke Yiddish themselves and, therefore, they had to wrench it out of their own tongues, block it from their own emotions and disconnect it from their own most intimate personal ties" (Joshua Fishman, Reversing Language Shift: Theoretical and Empirical Foundations of Assistance to Threatened Languages, pp. 308-9).
"Ashkenazi culture enjoyed higher status than the Sephardi one, (perhaps since Ashkenazi Jews had not converted to any other religion i.e. had not become Marranos)"- They were also proud of being "uncultured" so to speak, in that they only glorified religion.
ReplyDelete"the so called “Christian Hebraists”, decided in favor of Sephardi reading"- The king James bible used an oriental transliteration.
"In his work entitled Sephardim: Romanische Poesien der Juden in Spanien, he betrays an unmistakable pro-Sephardi bias, contrasting the “lowly” language and manner of the Ashkenazic Jew with the “nobility of character” and “purity of the language” of the Sephardic Jew"- I wish today's Ashkenazim were more like him...
"Ben-Yehuda, although displaying an attitude of contempt for the older generation of traditional Sephardic Rabbis, harbored a strong admiration for the traditions of Sephardic Jewry; the “golden age in Spain”"- That's a distinction, I feel, that's not made enough. From Morocco to Iran, after the expulsion from Spain, Jews in Arabs lands were certainly not known for their secular learning and culture.
"while speaking their own languages among themselves, used Hebrew as a lingua franca when it became necessary to meet together"- Very important point. ...I think I'm gonna' write a post about this now actually...
"to the new colony of Rechovot"- My 'hood! : )
"An excellent poem by Frischmann was read, but in the Sephardic Hebrew pronunciation the lines lost their original rhythm"- Same with Bialik poems.
Yehudha: "Most Sephardic and Mizrahi pronunciations DO distinguish between qamas/pattah and seghol/sere. Just in a different way from the Ashkenazi"- Some, not all.
Kylopod: "That may be an understatement; many scholars consider the standard language a composite of Ashkenazic and Sephardic"- I'd say that it's kind of an "Ashkenazi-friendly Sefaradi pronunciation" in the sense that most Ashkenazim simply could not pronounce some of the consonants even if they tried (Ben Yehuda included). They wanted the Seefaradi accent, but they also wanted to make it accessible to European Jews to learn in reality.
"Yiddish was much more fully developed then for all modern purposes than was Hebrew and it could easily have become the language of the Yishuv"- I always considered it difficult to fathom ALL oriental Jews learning to speak Yiddish in Israel. It would be an unfathomably huge project if they wanted to enforce such a thing.
Selomo: "I always considered it difficult to fathom ALL oriental Jews learning to speak Yiddish in Israel."
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts exactly. It would have been much easier to stick with Arabic.
The Ashkenazim were (obviously) opposed to Arabic...
ReplyDeleteI find it rather strange that Ben Yehuda did not push the "waw" in place of "vav" as is the more authentic pronunciation of the letter according to many.
ReplyDeleteThe temanim preserved this as well as many from Morocco and Djerba etc.
According to what I read in this post (excellent BTW)he preferred that hebrew sound more like arabic,
and this seemingly small detail would have accomplished this tremendously.
I think it's pretty obvious why he didn't go for the waw: Yiddish doesn't have a "w" sound.
ReplyDeleteYes I realize that ,but then again he wanted to distance the language from Yiddish obviously....so hence the "waw" would definitely do that.
ReplyDeleteAnd as far as sounding more like Arabic...the waw certainly fits the bill.
If he actually desired to be more in line with Yiddish then why would he bother with Hebrew a t all?
He wanted to imitate Arabic and Sephardic/Mizrahi, but he didn't want to make the transition difficult for Yiddish speakers. If you've ever noticed, Jews from Eastern Europe have trouble with the "w" sound--it's the source of a whole genre of jokes like the vindow viper, etc.
ReplyDelete"In his work entitled Sephardim: Romanische Poesien der Juden in Spanien, he betrays an unmistakable pro-Sephardi bias, contrasting the “lowly” language and manner of the Ashkenazic Jew with the “nobility of character” and “purity of the language” of the Sephardic Jew"- I wish today's Ashkenazim were more like him...
Actually the trend is in the opposite direction-at least in Israel. There is a resurgence of interest in Yiddish and Ashkenazi culture among Israelis of Ashkenazic extraction but also those of Sephardi origin see this
Yes, some young mizrachi Jews are learning Yiddish!
see my post about it here
Yehudha wrote:
ReplyDeleteThe only thing Sephardic about modern Hebrew is the pronunciation of Qamas as an "a" sound, and of course the millera` pronunciation.
I'm not sure what you mean by "millera' pronunciation".
Thanks for the correction Menachem Mendel. I had read allot of Jonathan Schorch's works so I unconsciously confused the names. By the way, is there any familial relation between the two?
ReplyDeleteKylopod wrote:
ReplyDelete* "Indeed, Yiddish was much more fully developed then for all modern purposes than was Hebrew and it could easily have become the language of the Yishuv (the entire Jewish community in Palestine, Zionist and non-Zionist alike) had not steps been taken to suppress it and to besmirch it.... [V]irtually all of the revernacularizers of Hebrew spoke Yiddish themselves and, therefore, they had to wrench it out of their own tongues, block it from their own emotions and disconnect it from their own most intimate personal ties" (Joshua Fishman, Reversing Language Shift: Theoretical and Empirical Foundations of Assistance to Threatened Languages, pp. 308-9).
Very true. Yiddish was illegal for a time in Israel. A Yiddish theatre production was shut down in Tel Aviv by the authorities.Yiddishists were routinely threatened and harassed. Yehoash touches on this briefly in his mentioned autobiography.
Ozeri said...
ReplyDeleteI find it rather strange that Ben Yehuda did not push the "waw" in place of "vav" as is the more authentic pronunciation of the letter according to many.
The temanim preserved this as well as many from Morocco and Djerba etc.
According to what I read in this post (excellent BTW)he preferred that hebrew sound more like arabic,
and this seemingly small detail would have accomplished this tremendously.
What Kylopod said seems to make the most sense, namely that it would have been too difficult for the eastern european Jews to pronounce that. Thanks for the comment!
ReplyDeleteSee also this
Bne'i Brak, Israel - Restoring The Ashkenaz Tradition
In Modern Hebrew, like in Sephardic Hebrew, in most words the stress is on the last syllable (millera`). In Ashkenazi Hebrew it's always on the penult (mille`el).
ReplyDeleteIt's not that simple. When reading from the Torah, even Ashkenazim stress the final syllable of most words, and they also tend to do so (if inconsistently) in davening. Only in speech do they adopt the penultimate system.
ReplyDeleteI agree about the reading of the Tora, but I've heard many Ashkenazi ש"צ pronounce all words mille`el in prayer.
ReplyDeleteMost of those that care to pronounce mille`el and millera` correctly(according to the mesora), are Irsaelis that use Israeli pronunciation also in prayer.
Most of the standard tunes in the daily prayers taught in American yeshivas use millera, or a mixture.
ReplyDeleteThanks Yehuda and Kylopod. Both of you possess knowledge about the nuances of difference between havara hasefardit and havara haashkenazit that far exceed my own.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, the false Messiah Lammlein's criticism of Sephardim is quite interesting in light of the fact that he used Abarbanel's "Yeshuat Meshicho" as the source for his Messianic pretensions.
on ashkenazi origins of modern israeli hebrew, see http://agmk.blogspot.com/2007/03/ashkenazic-origins-of-israeli-hebrew.html
ReplyDelete"I just read a responsum by R. Hayyim David Halevi today on the correct pronunciation of Hebrew"
see the scans in the middle of this post:
"is there any familial relation between the two?"
Thanks Lion. I read with great interest the teshuva of Rabbi Halevy (who I presume was Sephardic), especially the part where he indeed extolls the Yemenite havara as the only proper one and "transmitted directly from Sinai"(!).
ReplyDeleteyes, (western) sephardic. he was the chief rabbi of tel aviv and candidate for chief rabbi of israel (lost because he refused to get into bed with shas)
ReplyDeleteThere is also a recently published biography about Halevy written by Hayyim Angel. Hopefully i'll get around to it someday.
ReplyDeleteOh man, Chinese comments on your blog too?! Chinese're takin' over man!
ReplyDeleteMany thanks for this detailed analysis of why Sephardic pronunciation was chosen over Ashkenazi for Hebrew pronunciation. There is some really fascinating historical information here.
ReplyDeleteFascinating article. I'm a journalist for the BBC World Service, looking to make a programme on this very topic. I would be very grateful if you could spare me some time to talk about your research. My email address is hannah.barnes1@bbc.co.uk
ReplyDeleteThank you very much.
Lashon HaKodesh is, “The Holy Language” or literally, “The Holy Tongue.” Lashon HaKodesh can therefore never be twisted into incorrect pronunciation.
ReplyDeleteThe vowels and pronunciation have been so severely distorted by the Chassidim and communities of Eastern Europe or ashkenazi origin, that some words have unfortunately become unrecognisable. The problem persists until today, and it must be corrected – speedily.
2. The vowels can never be mixed up - because Hashem doesn't like the sound of it.
ReplyDeleteThere IS a correct way to pronounce every letter of the Aleph Bet. We are not allowed to change Hashem's Torah.
Drastically changing the pronunciation of any letter is changing Hashem's Torah - and this is something very grave.
Every letter is extremely holy. Each letter has a particular sound - like a particular note. When that sound or "note" is played incorrectly e.g. I play a piano with a hammer instead of my fingers - then great damage is caused - Above - and correspondingly - below.
3. In Hebrew, the vowel "A" is "a" and "U" is "u". So “Amein” is “amein”. The vowels cannot ever be twisted into “OOmein.” This is not Hebrew.
4. Especially grave – is the stubborn and continual mispronunciation of Hashem’s NAME - for centuries - by the Chassidim. This is a blatant desecration of the 3rd Commandment, and a CHILLUL HASHEM – a public desecration of THE NAME of Hashem.
ReplyDeleteThe NAME of HASHEM beginning ALEPH – DALED - NUN - - which is extremely Holy - is continually mispronounced every day. The “OH” sound cannot be changed into “EE”. The 2 cannot be mixed.
It is extremely urgent for all communities to correct this. It is very dangerous for the leaders, rabbanim and rebbeim of communities to let this continue.
There is NO forgiveness for this aveirah.
The breaking of the THIRD Commandment is UNFORGIVABLE – “LO YENAKEH.”
“Lo Tissa et SHEM Hashem Elokecha lashav ki LO YENAKEH Hashem eit asher yissa et SHEMO lashav.” (Parsha of Yitro 20:7)
“You shall not take the NAME OF HASHEM, your G-d, in vain, for HASHEM WILL NOT ABSOLVE anyone who takes His NAME in vain.”
5. “ElokeiNU” means, “Our G-d.” But the Chassidim have twisted the vowels into, “ElokIYNEE”. What does “ElokIYNEE” mean? “NU” must be pronounced as “NU”. It does not turn into “NEE.”
ReplyDelete• “Yerushalayim” has been changed into, “YerISHU LAYIM”. What does “YERISHU LAYIM” mean? “They will INHERIT LAYIM?” These are glaring examples of how Lashon HaKodesh has been distorted into words that are unintelligible.
• The “OH” sound cannot be changed into “OY” or "OIY". “OIY” is from Polish. Lashon HaKodesh cannot be mixed with Polish.
Some examples are below:
a) The word, “Torah” has been distorted into the word, “TOIYRAH”.
b) The name of “Moshe Rabbeinu” has been distorted into the word, “MOIYSHER”
It is Moshe Rabbeinu who gave us the TORAH. Moshe did not give us the ‘TOIYRAH’, and the Torah was not given to the Jewish People by a man called ‘MOIYSHER RABAIYNU.’ The name of the greatest of all the Prophets is ‘MOSHE’, and it is about time that the rabbis got this right.
6. The last letter of the Hebrew Alphabet is a “Taff”. But it has been changed into a a “Saf”. “Taff” is “Te.” It is not “Se.” It is as if someone had a bad lisp (lithp) or had some teeth missing.
ReplyDeleteOn being called up to the Torah (not TOIYrah), the correct way to say the Bracha (not ‘BRUCHA’) is:
– Not “Baruch AtAW Hashem NOSSEIN HATORAH.”
This must be corrected very urgently.
• The “AH” sound cannot be changed into an “AW” sound. So when a beracha is made, a person should be saying:
“Baruch AtAH….” and NOT, “Baruch ATAW….
7. The 8th letter of the Aleph Bet is “(G)HET”. It is a guttural sound. It is not a “CHES.”
So a bridegroom is a (G)HATAN.
He is not a ‘CHATAN’ / ‘CHASSAN’ / ‘CHOSSON’/ ‘CHUSSON.’
8. The letter “AYIN” is a guttural sound. The AYIN should not sound the same as the ALEPH.
The ashkenazi communities should start correcting their pronunciation.
9. With regard to some Sephardi communities, such as those from Iraq:
ReplyDeleteThe 6th letter of the Aleph Bet is a VAV. It is not a "WAW", as they may have been taught. "Waw" is incorrect.
The sound "WE" or "WA" is actually the NAME of Hashem.
When the 2 YUD's of Hashem's NAME are written together, the sound is "WA". However this is never pronounced. This is the only time you will find the sound "WA" in the Aleph Bet.
Here are some examples:
1. David HaMelech is "DaVID HaMelech." He is not "DaWEED HaMelech."
2. A mitzvah is a "MitzVAH." It is not a " MISSWAH " or a “MUSSWA..”
3. Mitzvot are "MitzVOT." They are not " MISSWOT " or “MUSSWOT”.
4. Mitzvotav are "MitzVOTAV." They are not "MitzWOTTAW."
10. Shabbat Shalom:
ReplyDeleteAs Lashon HaKodesh is a Holy language, it cannot be mixed together with any other language. To say, “Good Shabbes!” or “Good Shabbos!” is mixing English – a Latin-based language with Lashon HaKodesh.
The correct way to greet your friend is to say, “Shabbat Shalom!” And with Lashon HaKodesh, a person is giving his friend the greatest greeting of all - SHALOM.
It is time that Lashon HaKodesh is pronounced correctly by all communities, both ashkenazi and sephardi.
It is especially important to make the changes to pronounce the NAME of Hashem correctly, and begin to make a Kiddush HaSHEM in all our Tefillot.
English – a Latin-based language
ReplyDeleteThat remark says it all.
The Torah was not given in Munich or Hamburg. The Jewish People came out of EGYPT, which is in the Middle East.
ReplyDeleteThis means that Lashon HaKodesh is pronounced with the Sefardi pronunciation.
Thank you for your comments, Mr. Dwek. I wish you had a website or a profile email which you could be contacted at though.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting, thanks.
ReplyDeleteTwo comments.
1) You mention various reasons why the so called 'Sepharadic' pronunciation was adopted for modern Israel. An important one was omitted however, namely because they wanted to go in the opposite direction from their roots in the old Ashkenazic way, which they considered backward and associated with the religious shtetl atmosphere, while they considered themselves 'enlightened' and wanted to create a new type of Jew.
2) Eliezer ben Yehudah was from a Hassidic family, Lubavitch I believe.
With respect to Jews and Bolshevism, see House Select Committee To Investigate Communist Aggression and the Forced Incorporation of the Baltic States Into the USSR, Special Report #2, December 31, 1954 entitled: "Treatment of Jews Under Communism".
ReplyDeleteSee the following comments about the Bolshevik attitude toward Jews/Zionists on page 3:
"The Bolsheviks had always opposed national-cultural autonomy for doctrinal reasons. They had not recognized the Jewish people as a 'nationality', had opposed the Jewish religion as 'reactionary'..."
"From the very beginning, the Communists set themselves the goal of gaining control and then destroying all the institutions of Jewish communal life...To be sure, men of Jewish origin were to be found among the members of the Bolshevik Party as well as among the Socialists, the Democrats, and the Liberals and some of them achieved positions of prominence in the first years of the Bolshevik Revolution. But they were men who had broken not only with the Jewish religion but also with Jewish traditions and with the Jewish community; they hardly considered themselves Jews in any other sense than ethnic origin and they were not interested in Jewish communal affairs. Therefore, they were without influence in the Jewish community.
There was such a lack of Communists able to work among the Jews that the first executive secretary of the Communist Commissariat for Jewish National Affairs was a man who did not understand Yiddish and it was almost impossible to assemble a Yiddish-writing staff for the first Communist newspaper in that language.
Jewish political life in 1917 was dominated by middle-class groups of Zionist or Orthodox character; by the Social Democratic Bund which favored democratic socialism and Jewish national-cultural autonomy and by modern Labor Zionist groupings. These parties became the first targets of the Communist drive for...political extermination."
Ernie, what does this have to do with sephardim and ashkenazim. It would have been a very apt comment in the Judaism and Communism article though.
ReplyDeleteHi there,
ReplyDeleteThis is a inquiry for the webmaster/admin here at www.blogger.com.
May I use some of the information from your post right above if I give a link back to your site?
Hello James and thanks for commenting.
ReplyDeleteYou may certainly cite the material from this site but please give proper credits and a link to this site.
ReplyDeleteMr. Dwek, Sephard-Spain is in Europe-not the Middle East, although granted, Andalucia (which began to crumble with the Reconquista) was more the latter than the former.
ReplyDeleteAnother interesting fact about Ben-Yehuda. Before he morphed from Perlman to the name we all know him by, he changed it to Elianov while still in the pale, in order to avoid a draft.
ReplyDeletejust dropping by to say hey